Careprost: Nourishment for Optimal Growth


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The capacity of Careprost eyelashes to improve blood flow to the eyelash follicles is one of its amazing features. Increased blood flow makes sure that the hair follicles have a enough supply of oxygen and nutrients, which fosters strong lash development. The lashes' strength and vitality are enhanced by this more nutrition.

Take extreme caution and delicate handling, making sure it does not come into contact with the skin or eyes. Applying it on your lower lash is not advised. Apply the serum in the evening, just before going to bed. In four weeks, you'll start to see a change. You should wait between six and twelve weeks for a full metamorphosis. After 16 weeks of use, cut down on the eyelash serum application to twice or three times a week if you choose to keep using it.

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